Recipe for Me

If you can handle it, this is the recipe for Smirking Cat, according to

The Recipe For Smirking Cat
3 parts Enchantment
2 parts Brilliance
1 part Compassion

Splash of Uniqueness

Finish off with whipped cream

Okay, this is probably their lamest quiz, since there are actually no questions; you just fill in your name, and voila, a meaningless yet flattering recipe so that you will post your results and therefore drive more traffic to their site!

Depending on the day, you can up the portion of brilliance, and play with the compassion serving, but whatever you do, NEVER skimp on the whipped cream. Got it?

About TheSmirkingCat

I am endlessly trying to make sense of a world that has completely and unapologetically lost its mind.
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5 Responses to Recipe for Me

  1. furiousBall says:

    3 parts Elegance2 parts Delight1 part IntellectSplash of NaughtinessFinish off with a little umbrella and straw

  2. Mean Stepmom says:

    3 parts Glamour2 parts Sass1 part SuperioritySplash of BraveryLimit yourself to one serving. This cocktail is strong!

  3. Smirking Cat says:

    I love your recipes! “Limit yourself to one serving” is priceless.

  4. Dijea says:

    I loved mine so I posted it – No disclaimer necessary. check it out.

  5. I did one too. Very cool find, ya trendsetta! 🙂

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