Do Robots Wear Pants?

One guarantee with four kids in the house is that you will be asked a lot of questions. Why this, what are they doing, why are you doing that, why are you talking funny (when you are stuffy), why do I have to take a bath, and an endless assortment of other questions to keep you hopping, thinking, and answering.

One of the kids turned to me quite seriously the other day with a pressing question that weighs heavily in all of our minds:

“Do robots wear pants?”

I thought about it for a moment, then said, “I don’t think they have to. Maybe some of them do, as part of a costume or uniform.”

I received a contemplative head nod in response, the urgent matter of robot apparel having apparently been resolved in a satisfactory manner.

*Robot image courtesy of spoon graphics*

About TheSmirkingCat

I am endlessly trying to make sense of a world that has completely and unapologetically lost its mind.
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4 Responses to Do Robots Wear Pants?

  1. Amy says:

    They are so cute when they come up with those little questions!

  2. Ooh just wait until they are teenagers and start asking you weird questions (in the same vein as the robot pants question)about sex…ugh! Seriously, where do they get these ideas?!

  3. Amy says:

    Soooo howdy, it’s allegedly now 2023 and I’d still like to know….

    Where these pant wearing robots???

    I HAVE to prove there’s at least one genuine hahahah

    Bet he’s got some slightly bigger questions now but….

    I don’t hhahaha

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